Automated Testing
Bring your Automated Firmware Testing to a New Level!
Software Testing is essential for every project. Also having the code maintained and tested after the project has been finished is very important. Testing the firmware we are developing throughout the development phase is natural for us. But we do also provide support and maintenance for firmware after the initial board bring-up!
How do you test firmware in a reliable and continuous manner? The crucial thing about firmware testing is: It can be virtualized only until certain levels. And building a test framework that virtualizes all hardware features is exhausting and error-prone. So testing firmware on real hardware makes sense in terms of reliability, easiness, and budget.
How do you test firmware in a reliable and continuous manner? The crucial thing about firmware testing is: It can be virtualized only until certain levels. And building a test framework that virtualizes all hardware features is exhausting and error-prone. So testing firmware on real hardware makes sense in terms of reliability, easiness, and budget.
9elements Cyber Security developed a firmware testing framework where customers can hook in their own devices, and we do the testing for you. The device will be integrated into our testing infrastructure and connected to our lava framework - everything else runs automated.

Currently, our test system runs on multiple real and emulated devices and is connected to the coreboot master branch. This means, that every commit which gets merged into the upstream master will be tested against real hardware. This is a service we provide free of charge for the coreboot community! Check out the results at
We are also early adopters of ConTest - the Continous Testing effort initially developed by Facebook.

The firmware testing system can either test coreboot + any payload like TianoCore, LinuxBoot, or SeaBIOS - or your very own custom firmware. It can be adjusted to nearly any code versioning system - and post back to any CI you want it. Get in contact with us to talk about how we can integrate your device and code into our test system.
In addition, we can run various test suites either on Linux, Windows, or both. Contact us if you want to raise your firmware testing capabilities to new levels!
In addition, we can run various test suites either on Linux, Windows, or both. Contact us if you want to raise your firmware testing capabilities to new levels!
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